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Cities Where We Handle Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits

Find A Top Rated Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near You

Accidents that occur while operating a motorcycle can be some of the most dangerous and damaging due to the rider's vulnerability. It's not uncommon for motorcyclist to experience traumatic brain injuries, back and spine injuries and devastation to lower limbs - any of which could result in a permanent disability or even death.

Regrettably, the most common causes of car accidents with motorcyclists are drivers disregarding proper road use and caution when sharing the highway with motorcycles - a common example is turning right on a red light which can result in a head on collision for the biker. Such inattention to traffic rules can result in life-changing accidents. If such crashes happen, Houston motorcycle accident attorney Joe Stephens will ensure that the offending drivers are held accountable.

You want a legal representative who cares about getting the best legal results for YOUR situation, whether that means pursuing a favorable out-of-court settlement or moving forward to a full trial. Should your personal injury claim go to trial, your injury lawyers need to know how to prevent jurors who are potentially biased against motorbike riders from being placed on the the jury.

When it comes to cases involving motorcycles, The Stephens Law Firm has got your back. We take up all litigation matters for you! We aggressively litigate against insurance companies and fight for maximum compensation with one goal in mind: to make sure that errant motorists are held responsible for their negligence. Joe Stephens is zealous about litigating in court for the Houston biker community.

Serious Bike Injuries Require a Veteran Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Have you been hurt or suffered serious injuries in a motorcycle wreck in Texas? Were you hit by another vehicle while riding? Have you lost someone due to the negligence of a negligent driver? Did a negligent party leave the scene of the accident? As a motorcycle rider, you have the same legal rights as other motorists.

Most motorcyclist know they must be extremely alert and constantly vigilant while driving a motorcycle - scanning the road for distract drivers, those who don't see them, aggressive drivers and other negligence vehicle operators. Unfortunately, despite how aware you may be of your surrounds, another driver can cause a wreck in the blink of an eye. It's times such as these that you need one of the best Houston auto accident attorneys on your side to ensure that you are justly compensated by the negligent driver and their insurance companies.

Joe Stephens is no stranger to the court room. He will not hesitate to file a lawsuit on your behalf to protect your rights and help you recover economic damages as well as compensation you deserve for pain and suffering. If you need medical care, his team will help you get the medical treatment whether you have a health insurance company or not.