Houston Burn Injury Lawyer

Joe is one of the few Texas lawyers that is double board certified.

“No Legal Fees Until Joe Wins Your Case”

Content Reviewed by: Joe Stephens

Last Updated: February 24, 2025

Burn injuries happen every day in Houston. In the United States, statistics show that burn injuries are second only to car accidents leading to fatalities in the United States. Almost 2 ½ million burn injuries are reported each year which requires some type of treatment. About one third of those injuries require a doctor to be involved. Approximately 10,000 patients die from burn injuries each year. The National Fire Protection Agency says that the most likely group of individuals to suffer burns are the elderly, age 75 and older.

Burn injuries are the most expensive category of injuries to treat. Burns over 1/3 of the body almost always costs in excess of $250,000.00 for the initial hospitalization and fees. Victims of burn injuries of this nature usually do not survive do to complications. Lifelong medical care costs for these types of burns will add significant additional costs for multiple hospital admissions for repeat reconstructive surgeries and rehabilitation.

Houston serious injury attorney Joe Stephens has handled numerous burn injury cases through the years. He hires experts in the field of plastic surgery, life care planners, and psychiatrists to assist him in evaluating burn injury claims. A doctor who specializes in physical medicine is often employed so that his expertise in evaluating a wide range of burn injury complications can be utilized. Life care planners can project future medical costs that he victim may require.

Burns can be categorized as first, second, third, and fourth-degree burns. Burns are categorized according to the severity of the burn injury. A “Rule of Nines” is used to determine the total body surface area of the burn. The more surface area, the greater the chance shock, infection. There are increased risks of of long-term complications as well.

First-degree burns do not involve a great deal of tissue damage and involve the outer skin surface known as the epidermis. The symptoms of first-degree burns include pain, swelling, redness, and peeling skin. A common example of a first-degree burn is sunburn. Though painful, first-degree burns will heal, and should have no lasting effects.

Second-degree burns involve the outer layer of skin as well as underlying layer of skin known as the dermis. They are very painful, and result in swelling and blisters. Symptoms of shock sometimes occur if the total body surface area is widespread. This includes pale, clammy skin, along with weakness, and bluish color of the lips and nails. It is extremely important to get to a physician if you have a second-degree burn. The usual ointments and medications can interfere with proper healing. Further, there is a high risk of infection for second-degree burns. Scarring is likely, and a plastic surgeon will need to be involved with care.

Third-degree burns are very serious and involve three layers of skin tissue, the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. The skin is charred, and turns to a translucent white color. One can see vessels just below the skin. Third-degree burns are less painful than second-degree burns because the nerve endings have suffered such severe damage within the second layer of skin. (where the nerve endings are located). The person may complain of pain, but usually has a numbness feeling instead. These burns are very slow to heal. Third-degree burn victims often go into shock. Most of the time, victims need amputations, long term care, and will likely have long term risks of serious and life threatening infection. The pain is horrific due to the treatment these victims undergo.

A fourth-degree burn is one that involves the blood vessels, bone, and muscle. Fourth-degree burns require amputation in almost all cases.

If the burn injury victim has an amputation as a result, the life care planner can also evaluate the future home health care needs that may be required, including the cost of wheelchairs, assisted devices and so forth. Psychiatrists and psychologists often help burn injury victims by helping them deal with the depression associated with these horrific injuries.

What Our Houston Clients Are Saying

Work With an Experienced Houston Burn Injury Lawyer

If your burn injury was the result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation in the form of damages for loss of income, medical expenses and pain and suffering. Don’t deal with the insurance companies without first talking to an experienced personal injury attorney. Joe Stephens knows how to handle accident and injury cases to get the best result for his clients. Call our office today to go over your case details.

Joe’s Has Written Several Books on Texas Accident & Injuries

Joe is an accomplished author of several books that each detail different aspects of the typical Texas personal injury lawsuit: “A Survivor’s Legal Guide,” “The Texas Accident Bible” and “Hiring the Right Injury Lawyer.” A founding principle of The Stephens Law Firm is that anyone dealing with a personal injury or wrongful death case deserves access to high-quality legal advice. With this in mind, Joe sought out to write the best Houston car accident injury book you can read and offer it for free. If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Texas, these books are a great resource.

Contact The Stephens Law Firm in Houston, TX

If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, The Stephens Law Firm is here to help. With years of experience handling personal injury cases in Houston, TX, we fight for the compensation you deserve.