Why You Need an Attorney with a Truck Accident Quick Response

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Have you or a loved one recently suffered an accident due to a negligent truck driver’s actions? If so, then you must seek out the counsel of a truck accident quick response team as soon as possible.

Getting into an accident with a commercial truck such as an 18-wheeler can have devastating consequences for health, finances, etc. Below, you can learn more from a truck accident injury attorney about the importance of a Truck Accident Quick Response Team and how you can benefit from one.

The Stakes are Higher in Accidents Involving a Big Truck

In 2018, the US saw a 1% increase in the number of trucks included in a fatal crash and a 5% increase in large trucks involved in a collision resulting in a bodily injury. A commercial truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds (ca. 36 t), causing way more damage than a standard vehicle collision.

Truckers must also follow a set of rules that are in place to ensure the safety of themselves and other motorists on the road. Failure to follow these regulations can result in dangerous or deadly collisions.

In a truck wreck, a skilled attorney can help you take on all facets of legal proceedings so that you can focus solely on healing.

Trucking Companies Have Legal Experts to Challenge You

These commercial vehicles have the backing of a legal team loaded and ready to defend the company. These cutthroat lawyers will drag out your case in legal proceedings to avoid public exposure as much as possible. If enough time has passed, you will likely lose a substantial amount of evidence to this team.

An accident quick response team is a group of experienced individuals trained in gathering data and information from any resources as quickly as possible. The team will help you build your case by gathering:

  • Data from electronic logging devices that record when exactly the trucker was driving
  • Determining which driver was at fault through an accident reconstruction specialist
  • Any available surveillance footage of the accident

What the Right Attorney Can Do For You

After an accident, you want to contact one of the best West Houston vehicle wreck lawyers, and the last thing you want to do is worry about legal proceedings. An experienced truck crash attorney will successfully use the collected data to help you build a case. With the right attorney, you can receive the compensation you need and deserve.

Your attorney will negotiate with your insurance company and the big rig driver’s insurer to get you the best possible settlement. Damages can accommodate any needs, including:

  • Medical Bills
  • Lost wages
  • Disability Compensation

Call an Experienced Truck Crash Lawyers in West Houston

If you are suffering from the aftermath of a commercial truck accident, our West Houston wrongful death attorneys can help, especially if you lost a loved one. Our truck accident quick response team is available 24/7 to respond to your call.

As harrowing as these times may be, we are here to extend a reminder that there are those with your best interests in mind. Whether through medical coverage, compensation, or emotional support, we are here to make this process as pain-free as possible. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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