
Finding the Best Houston Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Case

A car wreck can come out of nowhere, and it can result in major changes to your life. Even if you are a safe driver who does their best to follow the rules of the road, you may be involved in an accident due to another driver's negligence. Car accidents can come at a great personal cost, whether it be to your property or as a result of injury. In this case, it will be extremely important to hire the best lawyer in Houston for personal injury lawsuits to help you with your claim.

The Stephens Law Firm is ready and willing to take on your case so you can get the most compensation for your claim. With a no obligation consultation, you have nothing to lose by contacting us today to see if you have a case in court. Our firm has over thirty years of experience and have seen hundreds of car accident claims end with a successful outcome. We are available 24 hours a day to answer your call, so contact us as soon as possible for legal advice.

Fatal Teen Car Accident in Katy a Tragic Reminder of Risks

A Katy teenager has been charged with intoxicated manslaughter in the wake of a drunk driving car accident in Houston, the Katy Times reported. A personal injury attorney in Katy, Texas understands too well the dangers posed by teenagers on the road. As parents, we ...

Katy Car Accident Claims Life of Motorcyclist; Watch for Riders in Houston this Winter

A Katy auto accident has claimed the life of a motorcycle rider, the Houston Chronicle reported. As we reported recently on our Houston Injury Lawyer Blog, Texas is one of the deadliest states in the nation for motorcycle accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ...

Houston School Bus Accident a Reminder of Safety Concerns

At least eight people were injured this week in a multiple vehicle car accident in Houston that involved a school bus, Channel 12 news reported. Metro bus accidents in Houston occur with alarming frequency -- about three per day or well over 1,000 crashes in ...

Houston Car Accidents Often Caused by Congestion

The economic downturn and high gas prices contributed to less congestion and a reduced risk for Houston car accidents in 2020. But, as Transportation Nation reports, the respite has likely already come and gone. The Texas Transportation Institute's annual look at traffic congestion ranked Houston ...

Parking Lot Car Accidents in Houston May Result in Premise Liability Claims

The Houston Chronicle is reporting two people were seriously injured in a Rosenberg car accident after a driver slammed into a restaurant. The best automobile accident attorney in Houston, TX should always be called to review the circumstances of a car accident that results in ...

Texas Leads Nation in Fatal Car Accidents, Drunk Driving Accidents, Trucking Accidents

When it comes to being involved in a Houston car accident, motorists here are at high risk. Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration continue to show Texas is among the most dangerous states in every accident category, including car accidents, trucking accidents, drunk ...

Houston Truck Injury Verdict for $15,000,000

Houston, Texas truck wrecks occur all the time. Perhaps, they would happen less often if trucking companies did not needlessly endanger the public through lax safety oversight. Nationwide, trucks cause over 40,000 fatalities and injuries each year. By comparison, 32,000 American soldiers were wounded during ...

What’s wrong with giving the liability insurance adjustor a statement?

No automobile injury attorney in Houston, TX will ever recommend that you give the liability insurance company adjustor a statement. Why? Insurance adjustors want to take your statement in order to lock in your story. It seems like that is fair, doesn't it? You want ...

Paralyzed Injury Victim in Texas Recovers $4,950,000.00 from fall

As a Houston Texas injury attorney, I read that a worker recovered $4,950,000.00 after he plummeted 40 feet. This roofer was injured when he fell through the asbestos roof he was replacing. He struck a large piece of steel on the way down which permanently ...

Texas Dram Shop Laws Help Prevent Injuries in Houston

In Texas, a bar can be held liable if one of its customers causes a wreck and hurts someone. The law imposes liability when the bar serves someone who is obviously intoxicated, and who presents a clear danger to himself or others. The law is ...

Credibility is the Key to Your Claim!

Simple mistakes can ruin your claim.  To avoid sleazy insinuations from the insurance company that you are trying to cheat them out of money for your injury, please follow these simple instructions. Many times after an accident, folks forget to tell the adjuster about other ...

Sobering Facts on Drunk Driving in Houston TX

All too often, we see the white crosses next to the road dedicated to the memory of a person killed by a drunk driver. We hear something every day on the news about another innocent person killed by a drunk driver. Nevertheless, it really doesn’t ...

How Contingency Fees Deter Frivolous Car Accident Lawsuits

Many politicians and members of the news media proclaim that there is an “epidemic” of lawsuits in this country. The inference is that attorneys often encourage frivolous lawsuits to make more money, and that those lawsuits are the cause of rising medical and insurance costs, ...